W Higginson – 26.11.2013
Can you please tell me if we buy one of sro off the shelf, How long does it take to change the name of the company and how much will it cost
Natalia – 30.4.2013
Hi. I am interested in starting a company, a limited liability company. I would like to ask about the fees that you charge and services.

Thank you in advance!
Adam Elabani – 20.4.2013
Hello , thank you for this
i already have registered an SRO in Czech republic ,and now i am intending to start my business as a specialized tour operator , getting tourist from my home country and make tours for them in Czech and neighbor European countries .i will be appreciating your help if you can answer my questions ;
1- what are the legal procedures in steps i should do before start operating this kind of business .
2 - what can your company help me with in the start .
Thank you very much and best regards .

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